I don't know why, but I'm afraid that Funny Jokes 06


Funny Jokes

“I don't know why, but I'm afraid that this room might be bugged with listening devices.” the girlfriend tells her boyfriend.“That's crazy, there's nothing to be worried about.” the man replies.The girl insists, so he starts to search the roomHe looks in


Funny Jokes

So, today I went over to the local Gun shop to get a Colt 9mm handgun for home/personal protection.When I was ready to pay for the pistol and ammo, the cashier said, “Strip down, facing me.”Making a mental note to complain to the government about gun cont


Funny Jokes

The pilot announced, “Uh, Folks, we just experienced some turbulence, which caused some engine troubles on our left wing.  Luckily, this jet is equipped with 4 engines, and we still have 3 functional engines!  Because of the engine issues we will be arriv


Funny Jokes

Wife's Diary:Tonight, I thought Tom was acting weirdWe had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinnerI was shopping with my friends all day long; and I was a little late for our date.Conversation wasn't flowing, so I thought he was upset at the fa


Funny Jokes

Once, a long, long time ago, in a small village just outside of some place you’ve never heard of, there was quite a stir amongst the villagers. The villagers, you see, wanted to schedule a race so that they could support their compulsive gambling habits,


Funny Jokes

A little girl and her mother are at church when the little girl starts to feel sick.
Her mother tells her to go throw up in the bushes behind the church.
When the little girl returns, her mother asks her if she threw up.
“Yes,” the girl says.


Funny Jokes

A guy was sitting quietly reading his paper when his wife walked up behind him and whacked him on the head with a magazine.
‘What was that for?’ he asked.
‘That was for the piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name Laura Lou written on it,’


Funny Jokes

One day, a letter came addressed in a shaky handwriting to God with no address.  He thought he should open it to see what it was about.The letter read: “Dear God, I am an 83-year-old widow, living on a very small pensionYesterday someone stole my purseIt


Funny Jokes

The bartender said, “You can't bring that monkey in here!”The man said, “Don't worry, he won't cause any trouble.”Within seconds the monkey jumped on the pool table and swallowed the cue ball.The bartender yelled, “Hey, he just ate my cue ballNo one can p


Funny Jokes

When I went to get my driver's license renewed, our local motor-vehicle bureau was packed.The line inched along for almost an hour until the man ahead of me finally got his license.He inspected his photo for a moment and commented to the clerk, “I was sta


Funny Jokes

A rich man comes home and immediately starts shouting at his wife.
“I’ve been looking at our expenses and they are through the roof! What have you got so much to spend on? From now on, things will need to be different!” “Different how?” the wife asked.


Funny Jokes

A guy is at the pearly gates, waiting to be admitted, while StPeter is leafing through the big book to see if the guy is worthy of entering.Saint Peter goes through the book several times, furrows his brow, and says to the guy, “You know, I can't see that


Funny Jokes

Pete and Larry had not seen each other in many years.
Now they had a long talk trying to fill in the gap of those years by telling about their lives.
Finally Pete invited Larry to visit him in his new apartment.
“I’ve got a wife and three kids an


Funny Jokes

All of his tests came back with normal results.DrDarns said, “George, everything looks great physically.  How are you doing mentally and emotionally?  Are you at peace with yourself, and do you have a good relationship with your God?”George replied, “God


Funny Jokes

Once upon a time there was a woman married to an annoying man named Steve.
He would complain about everything. One day he went to their creek with his mule.
He complained so much that the mule got annoyed and kicked him to death.
At the funeral,


Funny Jokes

She gets out of bed and puts on her shoes.  As she's walking down the hallway to the convent kitchen, another nun looks at her, smiles and says, “Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!”She thought this was a bit odd, but decides to igno


Funny Jokes

A man walks into a bar one day and asks, “Does anyone here own that rottweiler outside?”“Yeah, I do!” a biker says, standing up“What about it?”“Well, I think my chihuahua just killed him…”“What are you talkin' about?!” the biker says, disbelievingly“How c


Funny Jokes

He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, “My car broke downDo you think I could stay the night?” The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, and even fix his car.  As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a very strange sound.  The n


Funny Jokes

The young wife went into labor while her husband was overseas serving in the war.The next day he got the news that his wife had delivered twins.He got to a phone and called her right away.“Oh honey, I'm so happy,” he said“Who took you to the hospital?”“Yo


Funny Jokes

Three men, an Scot, and an English man and a sumo wrestler were going to commit suicide by jumping of the top of a building.
The Scot jumped off and shouted “God save Scotland!”
The English man jumped off and shouted “God Save England!”
The Sumo


Funny Jokes

Two elderly grandparents from a retirement center were sitting on a bench under a tree when one turns to the other and says:“Slim, I'm 83 years old now and I'm just full of aches and pains.I know you're about my ageHow do you feel?”Slim says, “I feel just


Funny Jokes

3 nuns are talking and the first nun says, “u would never believe what i discovered.”
intrigued, the other to signal her to continue. ” i found a phone in the priests room.”
said the first nun.
“oh thats nothing said the second one, i found c*ndo


Funny Jokes

An old man is eating his lunch in a restaurant when three bikers walk up to him.They make fun of him for being old, and then one of them stubs his cigarette into the truck driver's food.Another spits in the truck driver's milk.The last one smashes the tru


Funny Jokes

A blonde, a brunette and a redhead were stuck on an island for many, many years until one day they found a magic lamp.They rubbed it hard and out popped a genie.He said that he could only give three wishes so since there were three girls, each would get o


Funny Jokes

Dear Mother and Dad:
Since I left for college I have been remiss in writing and I am sorry for my thoughtlessness in not having written before. I will bring you up to date now, but before you read on, please sit down. You are not to read any further un


Funny Jokes

A man is talking to his best friend about married life.
“You know,” he says, “I really trust my wife, and I think she has always been faithful to me.
But there’s always that doubt.”
His friend says, “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
A couple of we


Funny Jokes

Two Irishmen walk into a pet shop..Right away they go over to the bird section.Gerry says to Paddy, “That's them”.The clerk comes over and asks if he can help them.“Yeah, we'll take four of the birds in that cage up there,” says Gerry“Put them in a paper


Funny Jokes

Florida Woman Stops 12′ Alligator With A .22 Cal Beretta PistolWhat's the smallest caliber that you would trust to protect yourself?Here's her story in her own words:“While walking along the edge of a pond just outside my house in the Villages discussing


Funny Jokes

These three guys die together in a tragic accident and they all go to heavenWhen they get there, StPeter greets them and tells them, “We only have one rule here in heavenDon't step on the ducks.”So, they enter heaven and sure enough, there are ducks all o


Funny Jokes

A nun wakes up one morning and decides to go for a walk She gets out of bed and puts on her shoes.As she's walking down the hallway to the convent kitchen, another nun looks at her, smiles and says, “Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this mornin

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